Allied Workers for the Blind
October 11, 2017 was called to order by President Alice Valdez at 12:00 pm.
The meeting was held at Alphapointe 7501 Prospect, Kansas City, MO.
The President led us in the Lord’s Prayer.
Shirley called the roll 14 members were present. We had 2 guests.
Kevin Hart and Melody Gates
Tracey read the September 9, minutes, and they were approved as written.
The minutes were also on the web site.
A discussion followed with concerns to accessing the minutes on the web site. Tracey will see how she can solve the problem.
William Hawkins gave the Treasurer's report, AWB checking account's balance is $1182.42.
Checks were written for $100 for Door prizes at the MCB Convention, the membership approved $100 for the MCB Auction but $61 was spent. $139.92 was spent for a room for Norman for his addition to the Friday night entertainment at the convention.
American Century account $36,488.62.
MCB will be sending AWB a check from the registration fees for our hosting the convention.
The Treasurer’s report was approved for audit.
Activities Chair, Merle Long said in consideration of the next two months the activities would be held on the first Saturday of the month.
Saturday November 4, from Noon until 3:00 pm we will be having a bowling good time at the Ward Parkway Lanes located at 1523 W, 89th Street.
Plenty of good food, great drinks, and very friendly staff. Please join us for a social, the cost is. $5.50. That includes shoes and bowling. We need at least 6 people to a lane.
We will not pay for food, or drinks.
Our November AWB Meeting will be held at Denny’s by the sports Complex in Independence from noon until 2:00 pm.
William talked about a fund raiser that Audio Reader would be holding at the Flamingo Lounge, Saturday November 25th. There will be a silent auction begining at 4:00 p.m.
Williams’s band will play starting at 7:00 p.m.
Education and Advocacy Committee reported there wasn’t too much to report since the state convention.
By-Laws appointed Chair, Shirley Brokaw gave the report from the convention, all by-laws passed with the exception of allowing surrounding States to become part of MCB.
William Hawkins made the motion, and there was a second to have Shirley serve as AWB’s Representative on the MCB Board.
Linda presented Alice a nice thank you letter from Meyers Insight LLC for our donation of $200.
The MCB Board Meeting Draft minutes will be below my signature.
There was no 50/50 drawing.
A motion was made to adjourn, with a second. AWB adjourned at 1:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Shirley Brokaw
AWB Recording Secretary 2017/18