April 2016


The AWB held their business meeting at Denney’s Restaurant.
President William Hawkins called the meeting to order at 12:17 pm. He ask Ed to lead us in the Lord’s Prayer.
17 members were present, and there were two guest Molly Jones, and Sarah Cocovizzo.
The September minutes were not approved.
AWB‘s next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2016, (TBA) 

President gave the President’s report, an activity will be next Saturday October 22, and those who are interested will be going to Tom’s Distillery in Kansas City. An upfront deposit was required at least for 10 people, if you are interested call Alice or see her before the tour. 

President also talked about our Christmas donation, and this year we will be giving the children a Christmas Party at CCVI. (The Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired.)

At the November 12, AWB meeting KCATA will be joining us again. They were at the June Meeting, and the questions that were not answered, or they would get answers for, if you have any questions email them to Linda at cocovizzo.com.

The long range plan for January we will have a speaker that is a job coach, and will speak on resumes, how to conduct yourself on job interviews, etc.

Alice Valdez gave the Treasurer's report, the checking balance has $3,054.79, a $1000 donation from the Knights of Columbus. The treasurer's report was approved as read, and filed for audit.
The 50/50 was $23, the winner was Linda Cocovizzo, and she returned it back to the treasury. 

Activities Chair Merle Long gave a report on the upcoming activity for October 22, and it would be a trip to Tom’s Distillery in Kansas City, everyone would be responsible for their transportation, and cost of the tour. He is working on November’s activity.

No report from the Membership, Special Service, Health Benefits, fund raising committees 

Public Relations Chair, Tracey Hawkins, will be taking names of business or individuals who have been real helpful to the AWB and will report how we might be able to thank them other than just a letter.

Education and Advocacy
 Chair, Linda Cocovizzo reported on the cost of Living, and increase to Medicare.
Merle Long Reported on the Education and Advocacy
 Meeting that was held in 
St. Louis during the 2016 MCB state convention.

The next part of the meeting was devoted to Bill Reynolds By-law Chair. He read all the changes, however, several of us did not have the same document he was reading, so Bill is supposed to send everyone a copy, before they are sent to St. Louis Office to be Braille, and if there are changes or corrections we can discuss them at the November meeting.

The next order of business was voting on Sara Cocovizzo to become a junior member of AWB. Sara was approved. Molly Jones was also accepted as a junior member of AWB.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm

Respectfully submitted

Shirley Brokaw 
AWB Recording Secretary 2016

  Missouri Council of the Blind and Visually 
  Pre-Convention Board Meeting October 6, 2016
  Sheraton Westport Chalet, St. Louis, MO

  The 60th annual preconvention Board meeting was 
Called to order by President Denny Huff at 2:00 PM.
  Wanda Matlock led us in prayer.
  Steve Schnelle led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  Denny welcomed Executive Director Chris Gray, and 
special guests Eric Stopp and James Pohlman. 
  Recording Secretary Joe Morgan called the roll. 
Members and guests in attendance are at the end of this 
  Denny welcomed online listeners.
  The agenda was approved with one addition; a 
change was added to the Youth Services guidelines.
  The Minutes for August 15, 2016 were approved.
  President's Report
  Denny said that he would give the President's Report 
at the convention tomorrow.
  Executive Director's Report
  Chris Gray offered a motion to affirm that the Missouri 
Council of the Blind wishes to enter as a party in the 
litigation requiring the use of talking voting machines in all 
elections in Missouri. Ruthie Clark moved to accept Chris' 
motion. The motion was adopted.
  Eric Stopp, the MCB auditor, talked about the 2014-
2015 audit.
  Jim Pohlman and Hunter Barnier from Raymond 
James talked about MCB investments.
  Treasurer's Report
  Robert Vaughn made a correction for some numbers 
that were incorrectly reported in the January 28, 2016 
Board meeting. The correct amount for Raymond James is 
$2,281,532.99. Steve Schnelle moved to accept this 
amount and to have it corrected in the January 28, 2016 
Minutes. The motion was adopted. The Raymond James 
investment balance as of August 31, 2016 was 
$2,470,326.36. The account balance for BMO checking 
was $10,644.50 and the US Bank balance was 
$1,014,529.71 as of October 3, 2016. The total of all 
investments is $3,495,500.57. Robert said that Eric Stopp 
could do our audit for 2015-2016 for $8000. Beverly 
Kaskadden moved to have Mr. Stopp do the audit for 
MCB. The motion was adopted.
  Youth Services Guidelines
  Wanda Lentz read the portion of the Youth Services 
guidelines that the committee wanted to change. Sabrina 
Fowler moved to accept the change to the guidelines. The 
motion was defeated. Joe Morgan moved that we go in to 
closed session. The motion was adopted. 
  The Board rescinded the freeze on employee 
  Being no further business the meeting was adjourned 
at 3:42 PM.
  Respectfully submitted, Joe Morgan Recording 

Members in attendance October 15 2016
Shirley and melvin
Allan and Cheryl
Norman and heather
Ed and alice
Tracey and William
Bill r
Lisa and merle

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