AWB Minutes May 13, 2017
The meeting was held at Lew's Grill and Bar, Kansas City MO.
The AWB monthly meeting was called to order by President William Hawkins, at 12:30 p.m.
Ed was ask to lead us in the Lord‘s Prayer.
17 members were present. 2 guests Jimmy Lars and Arleen Bentley.
Minutes from the October, November, and February had not been completed or posted, the October and February, April minutes are now on the web site. There was no meeting in December that was AWB’s Christmas Party, January meeting was cancelled due to weather conditions. February was a Q & A session, March meeting was cancelled due to bad weather.
President Hawkins gave recognition to several members who have helped the organization reach some of the goals throughout the past 4 years, Odell and Shirley, both long time members of AWB and MCB. President said that everyone is important to make a successful organization.
Merle and Lisa have had many activities throughout this past 2 years, President William Hawkins said give yourself a round of applause.
The President was also recognized for his past 4 years of service.
The next AWB meeting will be held at Alphapointe. Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm. There will be three guests coming from KCATA.
Ed Valdez, chair of the nominating committee gave the slate of officers, the slate will be voted on at the June meeting. Members may run from the floor.
President- Alice Valdez
Vice President- Barbara Dewberry
Corresponding Secretary- Cheryl Anthony
Treasurer- William Hawkins
Recording Secretary- Shirley Brokaw (the Shirley can serve another 2 years.)
Education Advocacy- Linda Cocovizzo
Membership- Terrie Arnold
Special Services- Lisa Eleazer
Alice gave the Treasurer’s report: checking balance is $2,151.42.
A $200 check is still pending for Meyer LLC, and $410 to pay for AWB’s 990 taxes.
A motion was made by Bill and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report and file for audit.
The 50/50 drawing was $38, Ed won $19.
Merle gave the activity report. For anyone attending the Jazz Museum on May 20, it is approximately 1 hour long. The address is 1618 E. 18th Street.
Ticket prices are adults $10, seniors $9, and children $5.
June activities include a brews cruise and a picnic in Sugar Creek, these dates are tentative 24, and 25.
Corresponding Secretary Barbara, called members giving the address and time of the meeting.
Special Service Chair Lisa had no report
Health Benefits Chair, no report.
Education and Advocacy Chair, no report.
Fund Raising, no report.
Membership Chair Terrie presented the name of Jimmy Lars to become a member of AWB. Jimmy had attended the required amounts to b a member of AWB. A member wishing to become member must have attended at least one regular business meeting. A potential member must have a sponsor to introduce them to our members.
Public Relations Tracey, gave some information concerning a blind veteran and his family that AWB adopted at Christmas, they became members. Tracey said James "Bear" Burditt had passed away, Tracey has kept in touch with the family.
Shirley gave the MCB Board April 17, 2017 report.
The January MCB minutes were adopted. Draft minutes will be after my signature.
Everyone was reminded that dues are due in June, no cash please, however, checks or money orders will be accepted.
Bill Reynolds gave a clarification from the Bylaws committee, in the Standing Rules in section 6- No individual may receive more than one hundred dollars ($100) in any benefits year, no household may receive more than two hundred dollars ($200) in any benefits per year.
The clarification is in the household wording, the committee will bring back another proposal to the June meeting.
Under Article III Membership
Section 5, junior members age 10-17 may apply for Junior Membership.
They may speak at meetings, and serve on committees.
Terrie made the motion, the motion was seconded, to accept the edition to the Bylaws.
Under New Business:
Gregg informed members about the new Ride KC Freedom. Kansas City Transportation Authority funds most of the program. If you’re a Share-A-Fare participant and you have registered all the information on the app, you can use the app on your phone to request a taxi ride. The app is set up similar to Uber, but a little cheaper. A rider can go 8 miles for $3, and any miles after that will be $2, a participant can have 4 trips a day.
The great thing about this program is three or four persons can ride for only $3, and you are not going to ride all over Kansas City.
The President asked for a motion to adjourn, Odell made the motion, it was seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shirley Brokaw
AWB Recording Secretary 2016-20
MCB April 17, 2017 Draft Board Minutes
Due to technical difficulties the meeting was not streamed.
President Huff requested moment of silence in memory of Paul Mathews and special prayers for Director Brian Hallow who was unable to attend as he was undergoing knee surgery. A prayer was led by Chip Hailey.
The agenda was approved with the addition of two items. These were the appointment of a new chair for the credentials committee and The Midwest Leadership Seminar.
Joe Morgan moved the acceptance of the minutes and the motion carried.
In the president’s report, President Huff reviewed the problems involved in locating and retaining rehabilitation counselors to work for the Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, due to an extremely low rate of pay. President Huff, Chair of the Education and Advocacy Committee Chip Hailey, and Executive Director Chris Gray visited several legislators’ offices to bring this situation to their attention.
Director Darrel Vickers will construct a board to display plaques memorializing deceased member of the Missouri Council of the Blind on which commemorative plaques can be mounted. He will purchase the materials and provide the labor for such a project.
Sabrina Fowler moved that we proceed with the establishment of a memorial Angels display and those individuals or affiliates may raise donations to honor deceased MCB members at a starting level of $250. The motion passed.
Executive Director Chris Gray reported that the organizational audit had been completed. Audio Television Guides have progressed across the State in accordance WITH THE DEADLINES ESTABLISHED BY THE PASSAGE OF THE 21st Century Access to Information Act. Only ATT Universe is still working to bring their system online.
Chris also reported on the success of the Legislative Seminar in Washington D.C. and the Disability Rights Legislative Day at the state capitol in Jefferson City. He has also been working on fundraising programs such as partnering with RSB to raise funds for youth programming.
He has attended meeting with the family services Division regarding the length of time individuals are being asked to wait before their Blind Pensions eligibility is re-evaluated.
He reported that changes in leadership have slowed down the process of payment of the court ordered payment of funds to Blind Pension Recipients involved in the successfully concluded lawsuit settlement.
Darrel Vickers presented the treasurer’s report in the absence of the treasurer. (See attached.) The board reviewed the case statement produced by Director Vickers that had been distributed prior to the board meeting. Beverly Kaskadden move approval and the motion was seconded by Sabrina Fowler. Shirley Brokaw expressed concern about including full names of members in the case statement. Director Vickers had checked with the individuals named and all had agreed to their stories being written up.
The motion to approve the case statement was approved with the deletion of last names.
The craft room at conventions was changed to Marketplace to reflect the true nature of this opportunity for affiliates and members to sell items. The convention guidelines also made it clear that those wishing to sell items in the marketplace needed to be present to man their tables and take charge of their sales. The guidelines were approved.
Jesuita Tabor gave a convention report and outlined the inclusion of all convention activities in the registration form. Board members were reminded that they needed to contact the office so that their reservations could be handled by the office.
Chris presented the idea of forming a walk team to participate in the ACB Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk at the American Council of the Blind Convention in Sparks Nevada next July. Joe Morgan moved that $500 be used to establish a Missouri team for the walk. The motion passed.
Chris requested $100 be designated to purchase an item reflecting Missouri to be donated for the ACB auction. He would take responsibility for the purchase of an item and getting it to the Convention. The motion passed.
Chris proposed that $1,500 be set aside to host a reception for the ACB board and the Convention Committee. After some discussion it was decided that small gifts to commemorate the ACB visit to Missouri and the upcoming national Convention next year should be purchased, but the bar at the reception should be a cash bar.
There was a good deal of discussion on the topic of guidelines for designating what types of items could be paid for by youth services money. It was approved that the request for a book scan stand was an educational item and should be approved. The board also requested that the guidelines committee review and establish clearer guidelines for Youth services grants.
Susan Sanderson was chosen to chair the credentials committee.
$500 was voted to send Naomi Soule to represent MCB at the Midwest Leadership Conference to be held in Nebraska.
The board moved into closed session to discuss personnel matters.The board decided to give a pay raise to the MCB office manager in recognition of her stellar work for the organization beginning May first. No other raises were approved for this year.
The board returned to open session and the topic of access to information for members was discussed. A proposal by the Philmore Phone option was not felt to improve access and was determined too expensive for what was provided. There was concern for those who didn’t have unlimited long distance phone service not being assisted by this program. The meeting adjourned at 9:48 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Recording Secretary, Deanna Noriega