May 2016 Business Meeting Minutes
The AWB met at Alphapointe Association for the Blind on Saturday May14 2016 President Hawkins called the meeting too order at 12:15 pm, Ed Valdez led us in reciting the Lord’s Prayer The roll was called by Recording Secretary Shirley Brokaw, 16 members were present. We had two guests. Robin Bently, and Anita Hanes.
The President gave his report, reminding everyone about the ACB Convention Grant Application deadline, and said Applications should have been sent to the MCB Office now for Summer Camp the week in June and July. The extended weekend Adult application need to be submitted before August 1.
President Hawkins also informed the membership Eldon Cox (vice President) had moved to Illinois due to health issues.
A Speaker from the Kansas City Transportation Authority was supposed to speak with us, the invitation is extended to our June Meeting that will be held at Anthony’s Restaurant June 11 beginning time will be 12:30 and end around 2:30 pm.
Linda Coccovizzo and four other members will accept verbal, or emails concerns of our members dealing with the KCATA, the speaker will receive the questions in advance.
The Treasurer Alice Valdez reported checking account beginning balance $2,561.14 ending balance $2,353.14. Disbursements from the Health Benefits Budget $200.
Investments $33,950.81.
Alice reminded members it was dues time, no cash, all checks should be made out to AWB in the amount of $20.
Congratulations was extended to Alice and Ed Valdez for their 50th Anniversary.
Activity Chairman Meryl Long thanked everyone for coming to the bowling event in April, and the next event will be held at Crown Center Saturday May 21, looking, and touching old
Cars, and even talking with the car owners, time10:00 until 2:30 pm.
Membership Chair Terrie Arnold introduced Robin who gave us a little background about herself.
Corresponding Secretary Barbara Dewberry said she had called AWB members letting them know the place and time of our meeting.
Education and Advocacy Chair Darla Rodgers was unable to attend the meeting so no report.
Public Relations Chair Tracy Hawkins reported she had not up dated the website as of yet, and she would put pictures up from our recent activities,
Fund Raising Chair Melvin said Barbara Dewberry had information about a fund raiser with Applebee’s.
No report from Special Services.
MCB Representative Shirley Brokaw said Draft Minutes of the April 22-23 2016 will be at the end of this report.
The 50/50 drawing was $40.
Winners of the 50/50 drawings are Odell Hollins, Shirley Brokaw, Barbara Dewberry, and Meryl Long.
This money will be used for Adopting families for the Holidays.
Respectfully submitted,
Shirley Brokaw
AWB Recording Secretary 2015-2016
Missouri Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired SPRING BOARD MEETING Sheraton Westport Chalet,
St. Louis, MO April 22-23, 2016 DRAFT MINUTES
On Friday April 22, Stephanie Brady of the Joplin Independent Living Center presented Board training on
the governance and responsibilities of the Board.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by president Denny Huff.
Chip Hailey led us in prayer.
Denny led us in the Pledge Of allegiance.
Recording Secretary Joe Morgan called the roll. Members and guests in attendance are at the end of this
Denny welcomed on line listeners and Executive Director Chris Gray.
The agenda was approved with two additions: (1) appoint a new convention coordinator; and (2)
Sabrina Fowler moved to add two donation requests. The motion was adopted.
The Minutes for January 28, 2016 were approved.
Stephanie Brady presented Board training on the financial responsibilities of the board and fundraising.
President's Report
Denny Huff reported that the Policy Committee has been meeting biweekly. A change will be made to
the By-Laws and Committee Guidelines that all references made to Chairman or Chairperson will be
changed to Chair. This was done for consistency. This did not require membership approval. He also
talked about our participation in Power Up, the ACB/MCB pizza party, and the St. Charles County Council
of the Blind Public Forum.
Denny asked the Board to approve an ACB caucus conference call with the ACB candidates as opposed
to having an in-person caucus meeting during the ACB convention. This was approved.
Executive Director's Report
Chris Gray presented fundraising ideas from the Resource and Development Committee; a giving circle
campaign, a ball drop, a Riviera cruise possibly scheduled for next year, and sponsorship for the 2016
MCB convention.
Packets were handed out for reps to take back to their affiliate.
Ruthie Clark mentioned another fundraising idea using A percentage of your
purchases will go to MCB.
Treasurer's Report
Robert Vaughn gave the Treasurer's Report. The checking account balance is $7521.15. The Raymond
James investment balance is $2,375,779.30. The US Bank investment balance is $1,115,395.21. Our total
investments come to $3,491,174.60. The 2015 audit is finished. We had a nonqualified audit which is
Thrift Store Report
Michael Keller gave the Thrift Store Report. The store is doing well and there have been days with
record sales. At the end of his report he gave a donation check to MCB for $10,000.
Education and Advocacy Report
Chip Hailey gave the Education an Advocacy report. He talked about current legislation sponsored by
MCB and legislative days.
Member-at-Large Report
Jannel Morris gave the Member-at-Large Report. She recommended that the Committee be given 30
days to approve a member-at large application. A letter will be sent out to all members-at large telling
them about affiliates in their area. The committee would like more members-at large to join affiliates, if
possible. This was considered a motion. Also, if a member-at large applicant decides to join an affiliate,
the dues paid would be applied to that affiliate. The motion was adopted.
Community Service Award
Michael Keller presented a proposal for a Community Service Award. This award could be given to any
company or organization that goes above and beyond giving assistance to the blind, visually impaired,
and to other cross disabilities.
Tony Pickrell moved to have a community service award as presented. The motion was adopted.
Donation Requests
Robert Vaughn made a motion for MCB to sponsor walkers who participate in the ACB Walk in the
amount of $1000. The motion was adopted.
Tony Pickrell made a motion for the Board to donate an item for the ACB auction which will be held at
the ACB convention. Chris Gray will purchase a
$100 item and take it to the auction. The motion was adopted.
DeAnna Noriega made a motion for the Board to purchase two Braille Forum raffle tickets at $50 each.
The motion was adopted.
New Convention Chair
Jerry Annunzio stepped down as Convention Coordinator. Denny has asked Jesuita Tabor to take his
place. Wilma Chestnut-House moved to accept Jesuita Tabor as the new Convention Coordinator. The
motion was adopted.
Convention Coordinator Report
Jesuita Tabor thanked everyone for appointing her and she is fit to serve.
She talked about events that will happen during the convention; a trolley ride tour of St. Louis which will
be 90 minutes for $26.00, a jam session during the hospitality dinner and a silent auction on Saturday.
The banquet will be called a gala. She has a couple of proposed sites for our 2018 convention; Branson
and Tan-Terra.
Sabrina Fowler moved to give a $1000 donation to Camp Ability. Discussion followed and a roll call vote
was taken; the motion failed. No action was taken on the St. Louis Bowlers donation.
Midwest Leadership Conference
Ruthie Clark talked about the Midwest Leadership conference, and a young professional's seminar that
will be held from August 5-7, 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska. Jesuita Tabor made a motion that MCB cover
Ruthie's expenses on the same ratio that we do for MCB Representatives. MCB will pay for
transportation, hotel and meals. The motion was adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Joe Morgan Recording Se