March Minutes
Meeting of the Allied Workers for the Blind was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President Tom Jones, he open with the Lord’s Prayer. Roll call was called by Recording Secretary 21 members and 2 visitors were present. Treasurer reported the balance of the account was $1,113.68 with two withdraws of $165.00 and one deposit of $100.00. The President call for committee reports as follows:
Transportation - 9 riders and 2 cars
Fundraising – working with treasure and UMB on fundraiser for Alpha Point adventure camp
Membership – no report
Public Relations – no report
Activities – working on royal’s game
MCB Broad Report – no report
Corresponding Secretary – 4 Birthdays in March
Special Services – no report
Old Business
There was no old Business to discuss.
New Business
Camp applications are here for anyone who wants them.
Nominating committee chairperson will be announced at April meeting
The motion for adjournment was made and second meeting and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. by the President.