October 2013 Minutes
Meeting of the Allied Workers for the Blind was called to order by the President William Hawkins at 7:30 p.m. He led the Lord’s Prayer. Roll called by Recording Secretary: 20 members and 2 guest present. Minutes from June was tabled until November. Treasurer report was tabled to November due to we still need to get Alice on the account.
President called for committee reports as follows:
Transportation – 8 members and 2 cars
Education and Welfare – No Report
Special Services – No Report
Health Benefits – No Report
Activities – Looking in to some activities
Membership – No Report
MCB Broad Report was giving by Sherley Brokaw. She said the board will be discuss about new election boxes.
Odd Business
Melvin Smith who is the auction chairperson asked about the basket for the auction. It was brought up that he and Shirley spent $133.59 for the basket and asked if AWB would remeimbuse them for the stuff. Motion was made and second it was passed.
A new membership Chairperson was elected due to resignation. Norman was nominated to replace the chairperson. He was elected by acclamation.
New Business
New budget was read and was adjusted. Motion was made and second to accept, Motion was passed.
Melvin brought up that MCB would like to have the 2015 convention in Kansas City, Missouri. That he had a bid from the Hilton on the plaza for $85. Motion was made to accept the bid and second, Motion was passed.
Amendments for the convention were read.
50/50 drawing was done and Norman won half of the pot.
Motion was made to adjourn and second, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
June 2013 Minutes
Meeting of was Allied Workers for the Blind was called to order by President Tom Jones at 7:45 p.m. He led the opening with the Lord’s Prayer. Roll was called by the Recording Secretary 14 members present. Treasurer reported only payment for May was $84 for transportation. There was no MCB Broad meeting report.
President called for committee reports as follows:
Transportation – 5 riders 2 cars
Activities – No Report
Membership – No Report
Fundraising – No Report
Corresponding Secretary – Birthday for June
Election of new officers as follows:
Nominations for President are William Hawkins. President asked if there were any other nominations. Hearing none motion for William to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
Nomination for Vice-President was turned over to Treasurer William Hawkins. Nominations for Vice-President are Tom Jones. Treasurer ask if there was any other nominations. Hearing none motion for Tom to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
The elections was turned back to the President. Nomination for Recording Secretary are Bill Reynolds. President asked if there was any other nominations. Hearing none motion was for Bill to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
Nomination for Treasurer are Alice Valdez. President asked if there were any other nominations. Hearing none motion for Alice to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
Nomination for Corresponding Secretary are Barbara Dewberry. President asked if there was any other nominations. Hearing none motion for Barbara to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved
Nomination for Health Benefits are Jackie Lars. President asked if there were any other nominations. Hearing none motion for Jackie to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
Nomination for Education and Welfare are Eldon Cox. President asked if there was any other nominations. Hearing none motion for Eldon to be elected by acclamation was made. All approved.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made and second. All approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.