Meeting of the Allied Workers for the Blind was called to order at the Five Guys and Burgers at 7:25 p.m. by President Tom Jones. He opened with the Lord’s Prayer. Roll was called by the Recording Secretary 21 members and 3 visitors present. Treasurer reported the balance of the MuzumA account was $1,113.00. He also said he has worked out a program with UMB on a fundraiser all we have to do is to move our account to UMB a motion was made and seconded the motion passed. It was referred to the fundraising committee. The president called for committee reports as follows Membership no report, Public Relations no report, corresponding secretary 1 February birthday, MCB Broad report read by Brandi Jones, Activities no report, Health and Education there will be no legislative days in March. The changes for the Constitution and Bylaws was read and voted on. The motion for adjournment was made and second meeting was ended at 9:10 p.m. by the president.