Minutes for December 5, 2014
Meeting began at 7:40 p.m. by President William Hawkins. He led the group in the Lord’s Prayer. President Hawkins presented flowers to Shirley Brokaw.
25 members were present and there were 3 guests.
Treasurer Alice Valdez reported that in the American Century account there is $33,942.00 and United Missouri Bank $1,600.00.
Transportation chairperson Ricky Hampton reported 12 riders and 4 cars.
Membership chairperson Norman Burke-Yale reported we took in one new member last month, Wendy Parker. We have one for December wishing to join. Our prospective new member is Darla Rodgers. She was voted on and she was approved by assembly.
There was no report from Education and Welfare chairperson due to absence.
Fundraising report was that nut sales went great.
Special Services chairperson Cheryl Anthony had no report at this time.
Corresponding Secretary Barbara Dewberry was not present to give report.
Activities chairperson Brandi Jones hoped the Holiday dinner was good for everybody.
Public relations and media chairperson Tracey Hawkins presented the family that we adopted for Christmas.
New Business: We presented the family that we adopted their gifts that we bought for them.
Motion was made to adjourn, it was voted on and approved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully your Recording Secretary,
Bill Reynolds