April 2017
AWB Minutes Saturday April 8, 2017

The Allied Workers for the Blind held their regular business meeting at Neighbors Cafe on April 8, 2017.

President William Hawkins called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Tom Jones led us in prayer.
Shirley Brokaw called the roll, 18 members were present. 

The President gave his report by reading a memo from the MCB Summer Camp Committee the first week will be held from June 4 through June 11, the second week will be from July 30 through August 6, the cost of the camp $85 for adults 18 years and older, the children’s price is $75, the extended weekend camp for adults only will be September 7 through September 10, this charge is $60.

No one may attend both weeks, and weekend, however they may attend one of the two week sessions, and be able to attend the extended weekend.

President Hawkins reported the guests from KCATA would be at our May meeting.

Our May meeting will be held on May 13 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at Lew’s Bar and Grill, 7539 Wornall Rd.

Alice Valdez gave the following treasures report checking account balance $2,561
American Century balance $34,484.61.
Disbursements $100 special Services Benefit Committee, approved a claim for a member to help with their glasses. 
Alice also reminded the membership that dues are due by the 30th of June, personal checks, money orders will be accepted, no cash. The dues are $20 yearly.

Activities Chair Merle, has planned an activity on April 15, at the World War II museum.
Hope everyone will be able to join us. The tour will be from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Price of the tour is $16, unless we have 15 people then the cost will be $14.
On May 20th a tour of the Jez museum has been planned.
1618 E. 18th Street.

The next part of the meeting was devoted to By-laws, and the big concern where in the AWB Constitution address the Junior Members 10-18 years of age?

Fund Raising Chair Melvin had no report.

Health Benefits Chair Brandi had no report.

Education and Advocacy Chair Linda reported on the Legislation Days held in Jefferson City.  

AWB Convention Chair Melvin reported that the committee was getting their assignments done, and hopefully the MCB Convention will be another success.

Public Relations Chair Tracey had no report.

Linda, read a letter from Meyer Insight, LLC asking for a donation, a motion was made by Heather, and was seconded to give $200 for the Empowerment Program.  All sponsors name will be listed on the back of the T shirt, another way to get AWB out, and perhaps some interaction with the parents.

Respectfully submitted,

AWB Recording Secretary 2017

Note from the Secretary no meeting was held in December, January, and March.

MCB April 17,2017 draft board minutes

                Due to technical difficulties the meeting was not streamed. President Huff requested moment of silence in memory of Paul Mathews and special prayers for Director Brian Hallow who was unable to attend as he was undergoing knee surgery. A prayer was led by Chip Hailey.
The agenda was approved with the addition of two items. These were the appointment of a new chair for the credentials committee and The Midwest Leadership Seminar.
Joe Morgan moved the acceptance of the minutes and the motion carried.
In the president’s report, President Huff reviewed the problems involved in locating and retaining rehabilitation counselors to work for the Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, due to an extremely low rate of pay. President Huff, Chair of the Education and Advocacy Committee Chip Hailey, and Executive Director Chris Gray visited several legislators’ offices to bring this situation to their attention. Director Darrel Vickers will construct a board to display plaques memorializing deceased member of the Missouri Council of the Blind on which commemorative plaques can be mounted. He will purchase the materials and provide the labor for such a project. Sabrina Fowler moved that we proceed with the establishment of a memorial Angels display and those individuals or affiliates may raise donations to honor deceased MCB members at a starting level of $250. The motion passed.
Executive Director Chris Gray reported that the organizational audit had been completed. Audio Television Guides have progressed across the state in accordance WITH THE DEADLINES ESTABLISHED BY THE PASSAGE OF THE 21st Century Access to Information Act. Only ATT Universe is still working to bring their system online Chris also reported on the success of the Legislative Seminar in Washington D.C. and the Disability Rights Legislative Day at the state capitol in Jefferson City. He has also been working on fundraising programs such as partnering with RSB to raise funds for youth programming He has attended meeting with the family services Division t regarding the length of time individuals are being asked to wait before their Blind Pensions eligibility is re-evaluated.  He has continued to assist affiliates with renewing their 501.C.3 status. He reported that changes in leadership have slowed down the process of payment of the court ordered payment of funds to Blind Pension Recipients involved in the successfully concluded lawsuit settlement. Darrel Vickers presented the treasurer’s report in the absence of the treasurer. (See attached.)

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