Allied Workers for the Blind Minutes for April 17, 2015
Meeting was called to order by President William Hawkins at 7:35 p.m.
President Hawkins led the assembly in the Lord’s Prayer.
There were 24 members present and 2 guests.
Minutes for February meeting were tabled to May meeting do to late posting.
Treasurer Alice Valdez reported: We have a balance of $1,332.64 with $421.00 in outstanding checks. We had a donation of $100.00 from the Knight of Columbus.
Public Relation and Media Chairperson Tracey Hawkins had a guest speaker from Vision Walk to come to talk to assembly about the Vision Walk here in Kansas City.
Transportation Chairperson Ricky Hampton reported: 15 riders and 4 cars.
New Membership: We had one new person that wanted to join (Dale Hamm) Motion to accept was made by Darla Rodgers and Barbara Dewberry second. Assembly approved membership.
Education and Advisory Chairperson Eldon Cox reported: He and others went to Jefferson City to meet with State Representatives and Senators to talk to them about the bills that need to be talked about.
Health Benefits Chairperson Jackie Lars had no report.
Old Business: The changes of the By-Laws were read by Recording Secretary. The assembly approved the changes.
New Business: President William Hawkins announced that Bill Vaughters will be the Nominating Committee Chairperson.
50/50 drawing was $24/$12
Motion was made to adjourn and second. Motion passed by assembly.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully yours.
Bill Reynolds
Recording Secretary