Allied Workers for the Blind Minutes
Minutes for April 4, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Tom Jones.
Vice President Tom led the assembly in the Lord’s Prayer.
19 members and 6 guests were present.
Recording Secretary read minutes from the March 7, 2014 meeting. A motion was made to accept and second. The motion was adopted by the assembly.
Treasurer Alice Valdez reported ending balance of $227.97. The Infinity Card UMB representative has been on medical leave so they will be assigning another person to work with us in setting up the cards.
Transportation Chairperson Ricky Hampton reported 15 riders and 4 cars.
Membership Chairperson reported we have 2 new people wanting to be members.
Education and Welfare Chairperson Eldon Cox was not present, but Barbara Dewberry gave his report. Legislative Days were April 1-2, 2014. They went well in Jefferson City.
Fundraising there was no report.
Health Benefits Chairperson Jackie Lars had no report.
Activities Committee reported there is a tour scheduled for Saturday May 3, 2014 at the Roasterie at 1204 W. 27th St. at 10:00 a.m.
Corresponding Secretary Barbara Dewberry had no report.
New Business Brandi Jones talked about offsite meeting places.
Motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded and the motion was adopted.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Bill Reynolds,
Recording Secretary